Airsoft Guns Allowed in California

Airsoft Guns Allowed in California

The Airsoft Laws in California control a number of areas in the use of Airsoft Guns. Many of them chronicle to the purchase of airsoft equipment and brandishing them in public. Private counties also accept laws that control the apply of airsoft and BB weapons and the laws may vary from county to county. Withal, the state laws are the guiding principle of what is allowed and what is not.

Exception to the Airsoft Laws in California

The airsoft laws practice not apply for Airsoft Guns and Fake Guns that are

  1. White
  2. Red (Vivid)
  3. Orange (Bright)
  4. Pink (Bright)
  5. Blueish (Vivid)
  6. Majestic (Bright)
  7. Transparent
Airsoft Laws in California

So to avert whatsoever problem with the law, It is probably nigh advisable that you lot buy an airsoft gun with the higher up colors. If you lot are more than into the "as close to real as possible, and so read on" Knowing the laws below may salve y'all someday.

Airgun hunting laws


The penalty for breaking the laws beneath are $ 1,000 for start-time Offenders, $5,000 for Second violations and $10,000 for each subsequent violation.

Airsoft Laws in California Controlling Possession

Minors Cant Buy

California Constabulary prohibits the sale of airsoft guns to minors (Anyone below the age of 18). This means that yous would demand to have your ID if you would like to buy whatsoever airsoft equipment.

Minors Cant Behave

Information technology is also illegal for a minor to furnish an airsoft gun without beingness accompanied by an adult.

Don't take it to a School

Airsoft Laws in California brand it illegal for anyone without the limited permission of the principal to carry an airsoft gun to a school (both private and public.)

Don't Brandish information technology in Public

Unless in cocky-defense, It is illegal to draw your airsoft gun in public or threaten to inflict actual harm to anyone. The exception is when information technology is in self-defence force.

Open Conduct is Prohibited

Openly exposing your airsoft gun in a public place is restricted. The law, in this case, defines public spaces as Driveways, Streets, Bridges, Alleys, Plazas, Parks, Sidewalks, Building open to the general public etc. The exception to this dominion is the carrying of airsoft guns that are brightly colored or completely transparent.

Other Laws

Metal BB Guns in Public Transport & Government Offices

Knowingly carrying a bb gun or airsoft gun with metal BBs within public send/transit facilities could go y'all in trouble. This also applies to all government offices.

Don't Remove Coloured Tip

Removing the bright colored marks required for an fake gun in guild to arrive await more similar an actual firearm is prohibited. This is clearly because people with criminal intent would want to employ their airsoft guns to commit a crime.

Packaging Rules

Manufacturers and distributors of airsoft equipment are required to follow the post-obit packaging rules in order to be immune to sell their airsoft guns in California: The packaging should indicate the post-obit warnings

  1. That the product may be mistaken past law enforcement as an bodily firearm and they should, therefore, take circumspection.
  2. Altering the coloration of the airsoft weapon is dangerous and may be illegal.
  3. Brandishing an airsoft gun in public can cause confusion and may be a crime.

Laws that Apply

The Airsoft Laws in California are contained in California Penal codes:

  1. Cal. Penal Lawmaking 19910,
  2. Cal. Penal Code 16250,
  3. Cal. Penal Code 19915,
  4. Cal. Penal Lawmaking 626,
  5. Cal. Penal Code417.4,
  6. Cal. Penal Code 16700(a & b),
  7. Cal. Penal Codes 20170-20180, 1
  8. Cal. Penal Lawmaking 71.7, 25
  9. Cal. Penal Code 25655

A Final Word

Whatever the law states, you need to always call up that an airsoft gun is not a toy. Information technology is  a unsafe tool and should be treated with the aforementioned respect you would have for an actual firearm.

In Add-on to this, the fact that most airsoft guns are made as a one:1 replica of an actual firearm ways that a person who does not know airsoft would mistakenly assume that y'all are carrying an actual firearm. For this reason, It is really important to always deport your airsoft gun in a gun bag or case. If you don't have one, Buy one now on Amazon. The links below take a list of affordable cases or numberless that y'all might want to consider.

Check out Airsoft Gun Bags On Amazon

View Airsoft Gun Cases on Amazon

In Addition to this, You need to take safety really seriously when you are playing on the field. I take written a piece on Airsoft Safety that gives you a run-through the Airsoft safety Rules, Tips to stay rubber when playing and what to do when you get an injury.

In example you are looking to purchase an airsoft gun and are looking for a deal: Check Out These  Airsoft Gun & Accessories Clearance Deals

Tell me what you think

We have compiled all the Airsoft Laws by State. Find out what the police force in your state says most Airsoft Guns.


Take a look and tell us if our posts are accurate for the state that you live in. Delight also get out a comment on whether your state enforces these laws or not. Nosotros would dear to hear your feedback. I will strive to continue these laws updated. Let me know if this is not the case in the comment section beneath.

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Airsoft Guns Allowed in California

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