Are Bb Guns the Same as Airsoft Guns

Are Bb Guns the Same as Airsoft Guns

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People who are new to Airsoft are frequently a little perplexed equally to what makes an airsoft gun unlike from a BB gun.

It's hardly surprising.

Later on all, they both fire BB's, right? And they are both 'toy' guns.

There are, in fact, some distinct differences between BB and airsoft guns.

BB Gun History

A BB gun is a replica of a real gun that has been designed to shoot modest metal pellets, known as Bbs.

The BBs are usually made of steel and are coated with zinc or copper. Bulletin board system are smaller and far more dense than those used in airsoft rifles.

In 1886, the Markham Air Burglarize Company brought out the very first BB gun.

This was a wooden, spring-loaded air pistol that was designed as a grooming gun for young people. The ammunition used was BB-sized pellets that had up until and so been used for birdshot.

Two years subsequently, the famous Daisy BB Air Rifle was introduced by the Plymouth Air Burglarize Company.

Markham Air Rifle Company BB Gun

BB Gun Burn Ability

A BB gun is capable of a shooting velocity of more than than 200 feet per second (fps), with most of them reaching up to around 560 feet per second.

Some BB guns are capable of an fps of more than 1,000. A BB gun velocity of 200 feet per second tin draw blood and fractured basic.

The maximum range of a BB gun with a velocity of between 390 and 590 fps is 220 to 330 meters (240 to 360 yards).

Because they are made of steel, BB gun Bulletin board system are likely to ricochet off objects. This makes them far more likely to strike an unintended target than an airsoft BB.

Airsoft Gun History

Toky Marui Logo

Airsoft began in Japan. In the 1980'southward it was illegal to own a private firearm in that country.

This led the Tokyo Marui company to create an airsoft gun that fired a plastic BB pellet. The early versions were based on air-driven pellet guns.

The airsoft market opened up in the USA in the mid-1990s.

In 2003, Daisy, the innovator of BB guns, began manufacturing airsoft guns. At that place are now many manufacturers all over the world.

Airsoft Gun Fire Power

Airsoft guns mostly take a velocity of betwixt 300 and 450 fps.

This is usually lower than a BB gun. The BB pellets used in airsoft guns are made of plastic and take diameters of either six or 8mm.

Bulletin board system may weigh between 0.12 and 0.88 grams, with the standard being 0.2 grams. These pellets are designed to strike some other human being being but crusade minimal injury.

An airsoft BB pellet will generally burn at a velocity of xx feet per second less than a BB gun BB if fired from the same gun.

The Differences in Usage

BB guns are designed for 2 end uses:

  • Target shooting
  • Hunting small animals

They are not intended to be used to shoot at some other homo beingness. In dissimilarity, airsoft guns are specifically designed to be used in airsoft battles.

They are much safer than BB gun BB pellets. Nosotros can sum upwardly the reasons why are equally follows:

  • Airsoft BBs have a lower fps
  • Airsoft Bulletin board system are non as heavy or dumbo
  • Airsoft Bbs are made of soft, malleable plastic, not steel
  • Airsoft BBs are far less likely to ricochet

Differences in Realism

Airsoft guns are far more realistic looking than BB guns.

That is because the whole concept of airsoft boxing play revolves around simulating reality as closely as possible.

Replica airsoft rifles are extremely pop and are virtually indistinguishable from the existent gun.

As a upshot of the realism of airsoft rifles, there is an international requirement that all airsoft guns have an orange tip at the end of the barrel to distinguish them from the real thing.

In dissimilarity, BB guns are non intended for battle simulation. As a result, there is little effort put into making them look realistic.

Differences in Environmental Bear on

BBs Pellets

The differences in ecology impact betwixt BB guns and Airsoft guns comes downwardly to the BB pellets, which are probable to be left behind once the shooter leaves the scene.

Being fabricated of steel, BB pellets are not biodegradable. They will remain where they state for an indefinite period of time.

BB pellets will also cause more collateral damage to the environment, impacting copse and other natural formations.

Not all airsoft pellets are biodegradable. Yous volition accept to purchase specially marked biodegradable Bbs, which will exist a trivial more expensive than non-biodegradable Bulletin board system.

Nonetheless, Airsoft gun BBs volition non cause every bit much environmental impact due to their beingness less powerful than their BB gun counterparts.

Differences in Precision

A BB gun is more authentic than an airsoft gun.

That is because it has less drag and travels at a higher velocity. All the same, airsoft guns can nevertheless provide yous with impressive precision.

This is especially the case if y'all are able to make utilise of the 'hop up' on the gun, which adds a level of backspin to the gun in club to ensure a truer trajectory.

Differences in Cost

Taking Dollars From Wallet

There is a wide price range when it comes to buying both BB and Airsoft guns.

Generally, the prices are quite comparable in terms of the quality of the gun.

We advise investing at least a hundred dollars, whether y'all are ownership a BB or an airsoft gun, every bit anything less than that will invariably compromise on precision.

Differences in Legality

Both BB guns and Airsoft guns are legally separated from firearms in nearly places around the world.

As such, they are both generally classed as being legal. However, many places accept specific restrictions regarding their use by children.

Check the laws in your local expanse.


Although BB guns and Airsoft guns may appear to be very similar, there are central differences between them, as we have discovered.

Airsoft guns are far safer for both humans and the environment. Nevertheless, BB guns are more than authentic for target shooting.

In the cease, your decision between them will depend on what you lot intend to employ information technology for.

Are Bb Guns the Same as Airsoft Guns

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